Years ago, this is one of the first things my "Guidance" taught me. I literally knew nothing about chakras or any type of energy work. My Guidance gave it to me piece by piece and when I began working with the method "They" showed me, (or maybe I remembered it from a past life, who knows?) I felt a tremendous difference.
I was in the process of writing how I do this, step by step, for my daughter. And I decided to put it on here. It is a simple but extremely effective way to fire up and move sluggish energy through the body and the aura. So here it is. My little treatise on my first energy work. And it is NOT from any book. It is developed from my beginnings in energy work before I even knew what it was. Here Goes:
Circulating the Energy of the Aura
To Circulate your Aura is the simplest and most efficient way to help your mind, body and spirit feel and work better. No matter what the circumstances, it will help you.
Our bodies, physiologically, run on energy. The parts of ourselves that our not physiologically present also run on energy. This is what is usually called the “etheric body”. However, I think labels confuse things too much and then it becomes a strict regime or dogmatic doctrine. This is self defeating and the importance of the act is then lost in an illusionary hierarchy of dogma.
So, I will present this to you as my Guidance presented it to me so many years ago. Simplistic and natural. It is the act of doing it that works not the explanation of why it works or how to do it in such a ritualistically exact manner that is spiritually correct.
This is not a religion, it is more pragmatic than pedantic. It is not exact or rigid. It is simply the act of using what is so available to care for the parts of our bodies we cannot see.
Even though we cannot see the aura around us, it is there. The energy is there. It is our first line of defense. It defends our immune system…physiologically, emotionally and mentally. I also believes it protects spiritually. But that is my belief and I won’t go into it here.
Energy that runs throughout our body and around our body is likened to blood running through our veins and arteries. It cleanses, energizes and guards us from soaking up energies from our environment. It keeps us from feeling drained when we are around a lot of people.
Like blood; when energy becomes congested, it causes the auric stream to become clogged. Like platelets sticking together in our blood stream before it forms a full blown clot. When these congested areas of energy grow larger, it blocks the circulation and eventually this will show up physiologically. It exacerbates depression, anxiety, physical sickness. In my belief, it often precipitates it. For when we are experiencing energy blockages, our first line of defense is compromised.
Our major chakras or energy centers become sluggish and then we have even more problems. For our energy centers are like major arteries and veins. When they are sluggish we can’t feel our best and emotionally we cannot cope as well as if they were open and flowing.
And so, I come to this. The simplest and most efficient way I know of keeping the aura circulating and cutting down on energy blockages.
Step one:
Sit comfortably or lie down.
You can burn candles and incense or play music softly in the background if you like it. I do burn candles and incense if it is possible simply because it puts me in mind frame that is open to circulating my aura. A kind of signal for me to focus on this moment. But it is not necessary nor does it make the practice any more effective.
Tell yourself that you are going to circulate your aura.
Take three deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
Step two:
Think of being in a group of trees on a sunny day. And in one spot a ray of bright sunshine peeks through the leaves and branches. Think about this focused ray of sun entering the top of your head. Feel the power of this light and its warmth as it goes through a spot on your crown down into your body.
Now think of it traveling down a long pipe down the middle of your body. Image the pipe extending down into the ground. Here we are grounding the energy and mixing it. The earth is a powerful organism. Filled with energy. We are all connected to it.
Now think of the energy coming back up from the ground and moving into both feet. Focus on your feet, ankles and legs. Feel the energy moving up your body through your legs and then the upper part. Feel its path as it goes up to the top of your head and then out.
Feel the energy move out of the top of your head. It will go above and then part in the middle. It begins to flow down each side of your body, flowing until it comes into your feet again.
As you feel the energy flowing into your feet again, stop and take three deep breaths. As you breath, feel the energy moving up your leg and into the upper part of your body. When you feel it reach the area where the solar plexus is located, stop and allow yourself to gather all the worries and troubled feelings you have.
As the energy moves upward through your head, think of it traveling straight up. Taking with it all the worries and troubled feelings you have. Straight up into another place beyond the this reality and environment. A place of healing, and higher vibrational energy. I, personally, image it going to The Source of us all. But that is up to each individual. It can go to God/Goddess, Creator, Guidance, Source, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Shekinah, Shiva, Vishnu, Holy Spirit. Whatever you consider your Higher Source.
Step Three:
In a few minutes you may feel a sense of heaviness at the crown at the top of your head. Inhale deeply and think of yourself pulling the energy in your head and feeling it going down. Exhale as it breaks up in its density and continues to travel through your body. Inhale and exhale deeply as it moves down to your feet, down into the ground and back up through your body.
When it gets back up to the top of your head, think of the stream of energy splitting …and going down the sides of your body…and back into your body through your feet.
After this it should be circulating well. Cleansed, refreshed and recharged. If you are a bit light headed..think of it going back down into the ground and back up….
Things to Remember:
The energy of the aura circulates all the time but sometimes life in this plane is stressful and our emotional reactions and stressors slow the flow. At times it becomes more sluggish if we are working through some trauma or issue to the point of developing a blockage.
Deliberately circulating (focusing on it) your aura at least once a day will begin to clear some of these blockages and prevent newer ones. You will feel better afterward. With an increased sense of wellbeing and calm. It will not make your problems, fears or anxieties go magically away. But it will assist you to meeting these challenges with a firmer stance, a clearer head with calmer emotions.
This is a very basic yet powerful exercise. You can do this anywhere and anytime. Especially once you get used to doing this. You will find yourself doing it automatically after a time. Once a day is fine but more is alright too.
A strong aura is such an asset for over all health on all levels.
And always protect you and your aura when in a crowd of people by thinking of yourself surrounded by a bright and warm healing light. One that protects you from lower vibrational energies and emotionally draining people and situations. Filtered so you can
sense your surroundings for discernment but the unhealthy energies will not pull or mix with yours.
This is a day to day summary of my healing, expansion and growth journey. It is about Meditation, Magic, Healing, Emotions and Reiki. Over the years I have learned so much from my experiences. I realize these things are all part of the human condition and it connects us all.
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