It is 10:00 am., the sun is shining and I believe it will be in the upper 60's today.
I slept in today and it felt pretty good. I only got up because I began to crave coffee. I love morning coffee.
I think my love of coffee and my Guidance kept me going those terrible years. No matter how bad things were, I always had my morning coffee to look forward to.. and my Guidance to give me inner strength to do what I had to do.
Now, I live a totally different life. It has taken some time to really dig in to the emotional healing and fully realize that I no longer live under crushing stress or horrific emotional conditions. I have come so far. It amazes me.
A little over a year I started this blog on Google. Even though I had begun my healing journey way before I moved from Virginia to West Virginia, this year the process appeared to be greatly accelerated.
I think the important thing is to go into your own flow, find ways to invite your body to move around. And move around everyday. It doesn't have to be my little regime or anyone else's. Just move, move something. It feels so good.
My newest focus is how to help myself with physical aches and pains. I have practiced Reiki for years and it is a wondrous discipline to follow. But I am finding that combinations of things along with Reiki are even better. My focus is expanding.
At my age and due to my career choice as a nurse, my knees and back have taken a beating over the years. Also I believe there is always a connection between our physical self and etheric energy self. And that can be affected by the ego/emotional duo.
I have a lot of trouble with my lower back, hips and knees. That could also be from being a bit non-flexible. I don't mean physically..I mean being a bit unbending and rigid emotionally.
I notice the pain travels from place to place. It is usually triggered by the weather, if I step into a small sink hole back up my little hollow while working, if I slip in the mud while down working on the creek or sometimes just because.
It has verying degrees of severity and sometimes it really restricts my ability to move freely. I began to feel frustrated and saddened by it..almost there was nothing I could do because I am not having surgery on my back or knees.
So, with the help of my Guidance, I developed a regimen for easing the tension this pain caused in other parts of my body. That was my intent. What a surprise when I realized it was helping the pain causing the stress. Wow! Eureka!
It began with Reiki, of course. I did Usui and Karuna®.
I developed a gentle stretching routine that really eases a lot of body stress caused by pain. Mostly some basic yoga that helps strengthen my core (solar plexus). These are easy enough and the time spent short enough that I actually look forward to doing it. Because it feels so good.
I also do some upper body exercises with some weights. Which is helping my upper body strength. Which seems to be giving me a bit more strength in my back.
After this I have a Nordic Track stationery bike that I use. I have to do this twice a day because at this point my knees cannot tolerate more than 6 minutes at a time. However, I am able to increase the resistance twice during that 6 minutes. I practice deep breathing while I do this.
Last week I visited a friend of mine in Hinton. She did an intuitive reading for me. (she is very good, I think I mentioned her in one of my blogs) One of the things she told me was that I needed to focus on some of my pressure points. I felt that familiar stirring inside me from my Guidance and I decided to look into it.
Now, I am familiar with the idea of pressure points and how they relate to energy flow within the body but I am no expert. I am a big fan of Massage Therapy, Shiatsu, Acupressure and even Acupuncture. However, my dealings with these disciplines has been limited.
I have worked with Reiki for years and I have my Teacher certificates but the rest of the above mentioned disciplines, I have just brushed on. So, I began to do some research. I found some excellent sources for using basic acupressure on basic pressure points.
I began utilizing this information experimentally last week. Wow, what a difference.
So, I added this to my regimen. Meditation, Reiki, Stretching, Stationary Bike, Acupressure. Along with this I am implementing periods of deep breathing while doing all of these. I have also increased my water intake.
While doing my research, I also found some interesting information on EFT tapping. (Emotional Freedom Technique.) I also tried this out and it was interesting. I felt a definite shift in my energy at the points that I tapped. However, it doesn't really work well for me to do Acupressure and EFT the same day. So I alternate them. One day I do tapping, the next I do some basic acupressure after the above mentioned regimen.
On Friday I hoed a long flower bed for two hours and apart from being just tired from doing it, I was thankful to able to move well enough and have the endurance to accomplish this. I was practically delirious.
I think this last year I have been so engulfed in emotional healing that I have kind of overlooked the importance of the physical connection. Not intellectually but personally if that makes sense. Now it is in the forefront.
My pattern is so easy to follow that I actually look forward to it everyday.
Meditation/Prayer that includes Gratitude
Reiki Treatment
Stationary Bike
Acupressure or EFT tapping (alternated)
Walk the dog or just yourself, noticing the trees and plants waking up
Periods of deep breathing
Drinking extra water
Dancing wildly through the house
Yeah, I added that one. I do that a lot. Especially when I am in the house alone. I put on old and new music that I like and dance like a lunatic. It is so much fun.
My husband to be noticed how much easier I was moving and how much better I felt so he asked me to do a "healing treatment" for him.
I plopped him down on my massage table, performed a joint and aura cleansing. Gave him Reiki, Usui and Karuna® and then did some basic acupressure. Well, he fell asleep. It took over an hour. I woke him up afterwards and made him drink a bunch of water. Last night he left for work and didn't say much about how he felt besides thanking me for the treatment.
This morning when he came home, he woke me up to tell me how much better he felt. And asked me to do the whole thing again in a few days.
I have to wrap this up. My body is anxious to get started with the routine.
I will leave you with my favorite song to dance to. It came out in 1965. I was between 5th and 6th grade. I remember dancing around the house like a crazy girl while my mother looked on with a strange and worried look on her face. Ha Ha!
Now when I dance like a crazy girl it is my dog and my cats that watch me with a strange and worried expression.
I think the important thing is to go into your own flow, find ways to invite your body to move around. And move around everyday. It doesn't have to be my little regimen or anyone else's. Just move, move something. It feels so good.
Does it magically fix everything in your life? No, it doesn't. However, it does make me feel so much better than I can handle the obstacles and challenges of life in a healthier way.
This is a day to day summary of my healing, expansion and growth journey. It is about Meditation, Magic, Healing, Emotions and Reiki. Over the years I have learned so much from my experiences. I realize these things are all part of the human condition and it connects us all.
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